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🤰 Foods to Avoid During Early Pregnancy: Preventing Uterine Contractions (임신 초기에 피해야 할 음식: 자궁수축 예방하기)

🤰 Foods to Avoid During Early Pregnancy: Preventing Uterine Contractions (임신 초기에 피해야 할 음식: 자궁수축 예방하기) 1. Why Should You Be Cautious? 🤔 (왜 주의해야 할까요?) During early pregnancy, certain foods and ingredients may stimulate the uterus, potentially increasing the risk of contractions. While some foods are safe in moderation, others should be avoided to ensure a healthy pregnancy. 임신 초기에 일부 음식이나 성분은 자궁을 자극하여 수축을 유발할 수 있습니다. 일부 식품은 적당량 섭취하면 안전하지만, 특정 음식은 피하는 것이 건강한 임신을 위해 중요합니다. 2. Foods That May Cause Uterine Contractions 🚨 (자궁수축을 유발할 수 있는 음식) ✅ Spicy Foods 🌶️ ✔ Contains capsaicin , which can stimulate the uterus ✔ Avoid overly spicy dishes containing chili peppers or spicy sauces ✅ Ginger 🍵 ✔ May promote uterine contractions if consumed excessively ✔ Safe in moderate amounts, but avoid excessive intake during early pregnancy ✅ Pineapple 🍍 ✔ Contains bromelain , which is believed to induce uterine contractions ✔ Limit intake during the first trimester ✅ Peanuts 🥜 ✔ Some studies su...